
Instagram account on Mobile

 Creating an Instagram account on Mobile


Things to know Before Creating a Account on Mobile

  • You need a valid phone number or email address to register for an Instagram account.
  • On mobile app, tap "Sign up" on the bottom to begin the setup process.


  1. 1
    Download the Instagram app on your device. (Play Store)

    • Install it on (Android), This is how you create an Instagram account
    Instagram on play store

  2. 2

    Open the Instagram app. This looks like a white camera on a multi-colored background.

  3. Instagram Login page

  4. 3

    Tap Sign up? This can find when you open Instagram app on bottom of Page

    • You can also choose to Log in with Facebook
    • If you're already signed into Instagram with an account, tap your profile picture in the bottom-right corner. Tap your username at the top, then tap Add account and create new account.
    Instagram sign in page

  1. 4

    Enter a phone or email and tap Next. You'll need to verify your account using the provided information.

    • To use a phone number, tap the Phone tab and enter a valid phone number.
    • To use an email, tap the Email tab and enter a valid email address.

  2. 5

    Enter the confirmation code. Instagram will send a confirmation code to the phone number by SMS or by email, you can check by minimize the application

    • If you didn't receive a code, tap Resend confirmation code. on the Instagram app

  3. 6
    Tap Next.
    Image titled Create an Instagram Account Step 7
  4. 7

    Enter your name. You can use your first name, first and last name while creating an account

  5. 8

    Creating password. Make sure to use a secure password

    • Check the Save Password box underneath if you'd like Instagram to save your password.

  6. 9

    Enter your birthday. Scroll up and down to Enter your MonthDay, and Year.

  7. 10
    Create a username. Most important thing when someone visit your account                                            they see you through this name

    • Usernames can contain Roman letters A-Z, numbers, underscores, and periods.
    • If the username is unavailable, popup box appears: The username (username) is not available.
    • If the username is available, you'll see a green checkmark. then you are ready to go

  8. 11
    Tap Sign up. You'll see your username at the top.
    • Your Instagram account is now active. You can begin to use Instagram account